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133 N. Glendale
Wichita, KS 67208

Tel: 316-262-6665
Fax: 316-262-6649

Matthew E. Goltl, D.C., P.A.

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What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathic remedies are a system of medicine based the principles of "like cures like". For example, if the symptoms of your cold are similar to symptoms presented after ingesting a large amount of mercury, then mercury would be your homeopathic remedy. The remedy is taken in an extremely dilute form; normally one part of the remedy to around 1,000,000,000,000 parts of water.

Similar principles form the basis of conventional allergy treatment, where the allergic substance is given in a small dose. In vaccines, an impotent form of the virus is given to bolster the immune system against that particular virus.

Why use Homeopathics?

Homeopathy is the second most widely used system of medicine in the world. Its growth in popularity in the United States has been around 25 to 50 percent a year throughout the last decade.

This success is fueled by several factors:

  • Homeopathy is extremely effective. When the correct remedy is taken, results can be rapid, complete and permanent.
  • Homeopathy is completely safe. Even babies and pregnant women can use Homeopathy without the danger of side effects. Homeopathic remedies can also be taken alongside other medication without producing unwanted side effects.
  • Homeopathy is natural. Homeopathic remedies are normally based on natural ingredients.
  • Homeopathy works in harmony with your immune system, unlike some conventional medicines which suppress the immune system. (For example, cough medicines suppress the cough reflex, which is your body's attempt to clear the lungs)
  • Homeopathic remedies are not addictive - once relief is felt, you should stop taking them. If no relief is felt, you are probably taking the wrong homeopathic remedy.
  • Homeopathy is holistic. It treats all the symptoms as one, which in practical terms means that it addresses the cause, not the symptoms. This often means that symptoms tackled with Homeopathy do not recur.
More in this category: « Acupuncture Nutritional Counseling »


"I had dealt with back pain from a car wreck for twenty years. I also had suffered from sixteen years of severe allergies with three sinus infections a year. I was miserable. It's been a year since I started treatment with Dr. Goltl and I no longer have constant back pain or sinus infections and I am off my allergy medication. It is great to be pain free and allergy free. I didn't even know it was possible!"

"My daughter has allergy and asthma problems. We tried a lot of different medicines but nothing worked. Dr. Goltl is the best! My daughter has been feeling wonderful even during allergy season. Give Dr. Goltl a try, he will work hard to help you with your health problems."

"I have had Reflex Synthetic Dystrophy (RSD) in my right knee for 12 years and I also have a bulging disc at L-5. I was in a lot of pain and had very little hope of doing any better. I had been to every doctor in town that deals with nerve disorders and they all told me that the RSD would not get any better. After treatment with Dr. Goltl the pain is gone, the hair is growing back, and oil is now being produced. I am thankful to Dr. Goltl and think everyone who is looking to get out...

Recommended Readings

Dr. Goltl recommends the following readings on Kinesiology:

  • Applied Kinesiology by Tom and Carole Valenitne with Douglas P. Hetrick, D.C.
  • Healing Energies by Dr. Stephen Paul Shepard
  • Thorson’s Introductory Guide to Kinesiology by Maggie La Tourelle with Anthea Courtenay;
  • Your Body Doesn’t Lie by John Diamond, M.D.
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