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133 N. Glendale
Wichita, KS 67208

Tel: 316-262-6665
Fax: 316-262-6649

Matthew E. Goltl, D.C., P.A.

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Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology is a non-invasive system that evaluates structural, chemical, and mental aspects of health using muscle testing. Results of the muscle testing are confirmed with palpation, orthopedic examinations, and neurological evaluation. Goals set forth by the International College of Applied Kinesiology, are to provide a non-equipment-intensive assessment of the patient's functional health status.

  • Restore postural balance, correct impaired gait, improve range of motion.
  • Restore normal neuromuscular function.
  • Achieve balance of endocrine, immune, digestive, and other internal functions.
  • Permit early intervention in degenerative diseases.

Although weakness in a specific muscle is said to be a clue to possible problems in its associated organ or gland; practitioners do not claim that the results are diagnostically definitive. They say that improper performance in a manual muscle test may be due to nerve dysfunction, nutritional inadequacy, toxic chemicals, abnormal circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord, tension in the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord, poor circulation of blood or lymph fluid, or "meridian system imbalance."


"I have had Reflex Synthetic Dystrophy (RSD) in my right knee for 12 years and I also have a bulging disc at L-5. I was in a lot of pain and had very little hope of doing any better. I had been to every doctor in town that deals with nerve disorders and they all told me that the RSD would not get any better. After treatment with Dr. Goltl the pain is gone, the hair is growing back, and oil is now being produced. I am thankful to Dr. Goltl and think everyone who is looking to get out...

"My daughter has allergy and asthma problems. We tried a lot of different medicines but nothing worked. Dr. Goltl is the best! My daughter has been feeling wonderful even during allergy season. Give Dr. Goltl a try, he will work hard to help you with your health problems."

"Before I began seeing Dr. Goltl, my feet were sore all the time. Something as simple as shopping killed my feet. I felt like crying my feet hurt so badly. After receiving treatments from Dr. Goltl, I now feel excellent. I can be on my feet all day, and walk as much as I want. He also fixed a bad back, my colds, my husband's injured back and more. It seems he can help or fix anything. If you are considering seeing Dr. Goltl, Do it! You've only one body, one life... Have fun!"

Recommended Readings

Dr. Goltl recommends the following readings on Kinesiology:

  • Applied Kinesiology by Tom and Carole Valenitne with Douglas P. Hetrick, D.C.
  • Healing Energies by Dr. Stephen Paul Shepard
  • Thorson’s Introductory Guide to Kinesiology by Maggie La Tourelle with Anthea Courtenay;
  • Your Body Doesn’t Lie by John Diamond, M.D.
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